Wednesday, July 15, 2009


How strange.

My desperation for a motorbike has taken over, so much so that I am not allowing any time at all for blogging. I have been working every waking (and often sleeping) hour of every day (and night) possible to make this happen. And I am getting closer.

Ironically, this has meant that I have begun to neglect this space. Ironic, because a part of me wants the motorbike so that I will have more to write about here.

I still do have things to write about, and I will try to wring them out when I next have a moment and a portion of energy to spare. It has been 3 months!

I have since been to Dublin, fallen in love with Croatia, and made an hilarious cousin into an amazing friend on another jaunt into the Scottish countryside.

In the mean time, check out someone like Carla King for a preview of what I hope my next adventure might be like. She's a pretty cool solo biker chick, who writes as well as she appears to ride.

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