Thursday, June 12, 2008

No computer, ok lah?

My sincerest apologies for the sudden stop in blog postings - I have literally had a total of only 10 minutes of internet time since I arrived in Malaysia.

I am currently sitting in the offices of the best law firm in Klang. Thankfully it is pleasure that brings me to these offices, and not business.

In fact, Malaysia has been nothing but pleasure since I arrived. Spending time with the people here has been the closest thing I could possibly have to being with my immediate family (whom I miss very much).

Thus far most of my time has been spent with family and eating. Eating before I go somewhere, eating when I get there, and then eating again when I get back. Anyone who knows me well would also know how much I am loving this sort of lifestyle. The food is superb. The only thing better than the food has been spending lots of time with such a caring, close-knit family. It is an honour to be considered a part of it.

I hope to spend the next week and a half exploring a little further - go to Kuala Lumpur, Melaka, maybe Langkowi or Penang. And eating lots more.

Unfortunately, I don't have enough time for a more substantial update. However I do hope to purchase a laptop while I am here and the Australian dollar is strong, which means that posts might become more regular.

I'm not promising anything.

What I can promise to you is that I am having a wonderful time in this country, and feel very much so at home.


Unknown said...

KeKe La ^_^~

got your post card! did i mention that i'm extremely jealous?

Conditionally said...

Asodesuka? You are nearly in Europe then. Young Bastard's father is there also. You might get to meet him.

I had another accident. This time a guy hit Cloti on the back. I was nearly stopped and nothing happend to me. Cloti is written off. I can feel a GS coming on, I can feel a GS coming on...
JB is going to give me a had to get the next on. He has some other suggestions, in the end it may not be a GS, but will be something similar.

Have lots of fun.