Sunday, May 25, 2008


Having failed in the purchase of a laptop in either New York or Chicago on my way across the country, the blog is going to have to suffer a little more. The train ride was long, uncomfortable at times, but I definitely met... people. Some fantastic people, some interesting people, some strange people. I hope to keep in touch with some if not all of them.

The scenery was equally mixed - the neverending fields of North Dakota and Montana were exactly that. The Mississippi River took on a whole new beautiful shape heading down from St. Paul-Minneapolis; crossing the Rocky Mountains was magical. I might write a few more words about it at a later date when I have more time.

I am currently in Vancouver, BC, which is beautiful. I am staying with a cousin's uncle (from the other side of the their family), who is an extremely generous host who lives on the foot of the smaller mountains on the north side of Vancouver.

Unfortunately neither of my phones (Australian or American) work in Canada, so I am slightly more cut off from the rest of the world than usual, which isn't an entirely terrible thing. It'd be easy to go wandering for days on end in the woods up here. Very pretty, very tranquil.

I probably won't be spending terribly much time on the internet either, not until I get to LA (where I will probably stay up all night trying to catch up on a few blog entries). So feel free to slacken off with checking back until about the 29th May. Hopefully I will be posting more then.

Until then, just don't worry aboot it, eh?

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