Thursday, March 12, 2009

Navigating the doldrums

It has been cold in Edinburgh for as long as I can remember. The last time I wore just some short sleeves to protect me from the elements was in Barcelona, two and a half months ago.

Without any form of private transportation, it makes it difficult to escape in any way. Sometimes it feels like the city and the weather are holding us all captive - those of us lucky enough might get out and chase some sunshine on the weekends, but the rest of us stay put, lying a bit dormant, navigating the doldrums.

Soon winter will be over, and we'll get out and about once more. Until then, I must make myself content merely dreaming of warmer times past, and even warmer times to come.

Photos from Malaysia were of a great help to me in maintaining the dreams...

Yes, I am riding a scooter. Please don't tell anyone!

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