Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Right son, get them Reeboks on, we's goin' chav huntin'

If I peek up past my computer screen in this internet cafe I am looking directly at Hyde Park, except for when the double decker buses block my view. The Clash is telling me to rock the casbah, but I think that I'll need to go and find a nice warm coat before I go out in search of this casbah.

It may be summer in London, but don't be fooled into thinking that its hot. The sun is nice and warm, but the shade is cold and British.

I know I know I know that I am behind (as always). In fact, I probably owe about 10 new posts - a summary of the US wouldn't go astray, then I need to update everyone on the beauty of Malaysia before launching into a grande description of the glorious MotherLand (and unfortunately I'm not talking about Mother Russia - hopefully I will make it there soon). And photos! I have so many photos!

The unfortunate news is that I didn't end up buying a laptop in Malaysia. I'm all talk apparently. Well, not all talk - just a slow mover. I talked about my overseas trip for about 3 or 4 years before I finally left. And if you think about it relatively (with regards to financial output), I should have a laptop within a few weeks. Although I might wait till I find work before I make that sort of financial committment.

In any case, I do have more regular access to the internet here in the UK, so you can expect a few more posts. If you're interested, please start logging in a little more frequently, and if I am falling behind, send me an email to get me moving.

Thanks to everyone who has been patient enough to persist with reading this.

Time to run for the tube!


Unknown said...

i'm here every day - i'm like your biggest fan!

Conditionally said...

Nah! I am your biggest fan. Just talked to Young Bastard for over an hour and he aked me about you, if I had given you his detail. So plis call him, lest he think I am not a good mother.

I may be a good mother with a bad memory. Is it your birthday tomorrow? Why do I think it is?

